Using "go" phrasal verbs can be confusing, but this lesson can help you understand them better.
"Go" Phrasal Verbs without a Direct Object:
Go off – activate (and make a sound)
My alarm clock goes off every morning at 6am.
Go over (well) – be accepted by other people
Our idea went over well with everyone.
Go away – leave or disappear
Mosquito bites usually go away after a few days.
Go by – to pass as a period of time (the subject is usually the word “time” or duration of time)
I can’t believe that one hour has gone by! I feel like we just got here.
Go in – to enter a room or building
Please take off your shoes before you go in.
Go out – to leave your home
Let’s go out tonight. Where do you want to go?
Go on – happen
What is going on here?
Go on – continue
Sorry for the interruption. Please go on.
Go ahead – proceed
If you are ready, you can go ahead.
"Go" Phrasal Verbs with a Direct Object
Go through (something) – to experience or endure a difficult situation
He is going through a difficult time in his life.
Go for (something) – to try to achieve something
She is going for the gold medal in the high jump competition.
Go over/through (something) – to examine something closely
Let’s go over/through the rules of the game before we start.
Go through with something – to do something that was planned (usually something difficult or risky)
The labor union said they’ll go on strike if the government doesn’t give them better assistance. Do you think that they’ll go through with it?
Go along with something – to support; co-operate
We surprised our classmate with a cake for her birthday. Our teacher went along with it and hid the cake in her desk.
Go out with someone – to date someone
My sister is going out with a doctor.
Go (well) with something – to be a good pair/match
Donuts go well with coffee.
Go after someone/something – to chase someone/something
Her cat ran out of the house, so she went after it.
Choose the correct phrasal verb in each sentence below:
Before we start the game we should (go ahead with/go after/go over) the rules.
There was a lot of fog in the early morning but it (went away/went by/went out).
Sorry for the interruption to your presentation. Are you ready to (go through/go on/go in)?
Do you think the proposal (went on/went off/went over) well? The client looked impressed to me.
These two weeks have really (gone by/gone over/gone through) quickly. It feels like just two days!
I don’t completely agree with your suggestion but I’ll (go over/go along with/go after) it.
I think gold (goes off with/goes well with/goes for) navy blue.
During the first two months of my pregnancy, I (went away/went through/went by) a lot. It was a very stressful time for me.
What’s (going out/going on/going off) with our new Toronto location? Is everything okay?
Let’s (go for/go on/go away) a bigger share of the market this year. I think we can do it.
My alarm clock (goes out/goes off/goes on) every day at 8am.
I didn't know that Tim is (going out with/going ahead with/going on with) Samantha.
go over
went away
go on
went over
gone by
go along with
goes well with
went through
going on
go for
goes off
going out with