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Adverbs to Effectively Describe Changes

Communicate that a change is big or small by using one of these adverbs.

When you are describing a verb that relates to change, such as “increase”, “decrease”, “improve”, or even the verb “change”, you can use adverbs to express that this change is big or small by using an appropriate adverb.

For example, if the number of subscribers to a YouTube channel was originally one thousand (1,000) and later it became ten thousand (10,000), you can describe this big change by using the verb "increase" with an adverb like "significantly":

  • The number of subscribers to that YouTube Channel increased significantly.

On the other hand, if the number of viewers increased from one thousand (1,000) to one thousand and ten (1,010), you can say it increased "slightly", because the change was small:

  • The number of subscribers to that YouTube channel increased slightly.

Below you can find useful adverbs separated by whether they describe a big change or a small one:

Big Changes

  • Significantly, Considerably, Dramatically, Drastically, Substantially, Greatly

Small Changes

  • Slightly, Marginally, Hardly (means almost not at all), Barely (means almost not at all)

If you want to describe a change that is not big or small but more “normal”, you can use the adverb “moderately”. If the number of subscribers to a YouTube channel increased from one thousand (1,000) to one thousand and fifty (1,050), you can describe this change with “moderately” if you think it's an average sized change:

  • The number of subscribers to that YouTube Channel increased moderately.


For each situation below, use an adverb for either a big change (ex. "drastically") or an adverb for a small change (ex. "slightly") depending on the amount of change in the situation:

  1. The price of the stock increased _____________________ from $50 to $100.

  2. My English improved ______________________ by living in England. I couldn’t say much before but now, I’m almost fluent!

  3. The temperature has ______________ changed this month. It’s only one or two degrees warmer than it was four weeks ago.

  4. The number of coronavirus cases has gone down _______________________ because the social distancing measures have been very successful.

  5. Even though I drove for twenty minutes, the amount of gas in the car has _____________ changed. It was at 100% and now it’s just 99%.

  6. The population of my city is rising ___________________ because everyone wants to live here.

  7. The unemployment rate decreased ______________________ from 12% to 11% last month.

Possible Answers

The answers below can be replaced by an adverb that is in the same category. For example, the adverb "dramatically" could be substituted with "significantly" because they both describe big changes.

  1. The price of the stock increased significantly from $50 to $100.

  2. My English improved considerably by living in England. I couldn’t say much before but now, I’m almost fluent!

  3. The temperature has hardly changed this month. It’s only one or two degrees warmer than it was four weeks ago.

  4. The number of coronavirus cases has gone down drastically, because the social distancing measures have been very successful.

  5. Even though I drove for twenty minutes, the amount of gas in the car has barely changed. It was at 100% and now it’s just 99%.

  6. The population of my city is rising dramatically because everyone wants to live here.

  7. The unemployment rate decreased marginally from 12% to 11% last month.

1 Comment

Dec 27, 2020

When we use adverbs the communivation become more natural.


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